Friday, December 9, 2011

Love to be the lesser one

Had gone for a christmas choir preparation with some people.
An idea came up to stage the nativity scene with our kids. Though mine is too small to participate I was listening to what was being discussed.
The very little ones would enact the angels. One of the group then said that her son and his cousin sister would act as Maria and Joseph. Rest to play the 3 Kings and shepherds. There were no counter suggestions... maybe because there were no big enough kids to play Maria and Joseph.

But it made me think. If my son had been big enough, I possibly would have wanted him to enact Joseph. Why ? Because Maria and Joseph seem to be the next big roles after baby Jesus.
And I started to think again. That thought itself is wrong.
Everyone in the nativity scene - from the shepherds to the 3 Kings, to Maria and Joseph , everyone is important. The nativity scene is not complete without anyone of them.

I guess for the little kids it doesn't matter anyways which role they play.
Only we adults think about the "main" role. This reminds me that I need to think more like a child, more self-less, in so many ways.

Now, I can be happy whichever part my son will play, in the future ...

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