Saturday, March 7, 2009

Winds of Change

Was a tiring day. Went to office in the morning, while Roy went for a medical check-up.
No, nothing serious. The company offered a free medical check-up, and the results were satisfying. I tried some Quartz 2D programming on the iPhone simulator to get the look of a bar chart, but it's not so easy. I left at 3.30. Couldn't get a bus. Usually there are so many 356C and "Big10" (yea they are really named so !!) buses plying to and from office, but today I got one after a long wait and a quick lunch in between at 4.30. Felt drained out and tired. Many a times I have felt that my efforts (in which ever area they may be) have gone wasted ... I have been trying and trying, but to no vain. I have started reading the book "The Answer", but will I ever be able to touch the real potential of my subconscious mind ? I wonder and I am scared.
Watched the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" on the PC. Nice movie, I must say. The way the story is interwoven, interesting .... And more so as Jamal the character was able to win the Jackpot and answer all the questions, because life had thrown him the answers in various stages of his life.

I have been thinking more and more about my life... the routine that I've been following. What if .... what if I take a plunge into the unknown ? Like in "The Answer", I am visualizing myself as a happy and tension free person. My life is abounding in happiness, a loving family, gud health and lots of money too ;)
My dear nonconscious mind, are you listening ?? I hope so !!!