Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thank not all ?

I was walking with Y and I stopped at a small shop to get something. After paying I said "Thank You". Y asked me "Why do you say "Thank you" to this guy ? He's just an ordinary fellow."

I was surprised at Y's remark. I never thought that this guy doesn't deserve me thanking him.

I don't know if it is because I was brought up and living in Germany for most of my formative years, but there certainly it was only a common thing to do, to thank even for the smallest gesture. Here in India the picture is so different. You have the very rich, the rich, the average man , the poor and the very poor. People don't offer courtesies to people below a certain strata, especially not below themselves.

I for myself, I believe that every person deserves to be treated equally irrespective of whether they are at a higher or lower level than us. We ought to appreciate everyone around us, and definitely we'll get appreciated more as well. Sometimes that is all that people want. And so whenever I catch a glimpse of pride in their eyes when they reply back with "You're welcome!" I realize it was a good thing to do.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Journey of a One Rupee Coin

Roy was telling me one day the journey of a one rupee coin ...

Roy had gone for some small errand and on his payment he received a one rupee coin as balance. Usually he would drop the coin in a coin box once at home, but this time he forgot and it was still in his track pants pocket.

And he forgot about it ...

Soon after the next day , he rushed in the early morning to collect one of his shirts given for ironing because we had to attend a function.He didn't take his wallet since he was to collect the other shirts later.

On handing over Roy's shirt the man who had ironed his shirt asked him for a token amount since this was the first business transaction of the day. Roy told him that he had not taken his wallet with him, but when he felt in his pocket he found the one rupee coin he had put the previous night. And he handed it over happily ...

This is the journey of the coin.It was not destined to land in a box full of other coins, instead it was to become the first earnings of that man. Likewise, so many coins and notes travel through our hands daily, but we hardly notice them individually. Each has its own fate, just like we ...