Friday, February 24, 2012

Log your Time

How often have we not said " I don't get enough time to do all the things I want to do." or " I don't get enough time to sleep or spend with my family."

If you really would like to know where all the time went, then it makes sense to write down for a week or two in a detailed log how much time is spent on various activities.

For example, if I check Facebook for 10 minutes it's not much, but if I do that 6 times a day then it comes to 1 hour a day. That would be 7 hours a week.

Checking the time log would be an eye opener for us as it would show us precisely and without any excuse how we actually waste our time.

So if instead of Facebook I focus on activities that provide more value to my existence, I can slowly but steadily achieve and eventually do the things for which I did not have time earlier.

Maybe it is reading a book or doing a quick exercise or just playing with my son.

You have 168 hours in a week. If you subtract 8 hours per day for sleep you are left with 168-56 = 112 hours. It sounds like a huge quantity but do you know what all useful activities you have done in that time ?

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