This Sunday I accomplished a small but nevertheless historic milestone in the life of Sylvia R. On 23rd August I completed 5 years in my very first company. This day being a Sunday, I did not have to hurry to office but instead could recapitulate my golden days from the comfort of home and family. 5 years ... wow. In the beginning, I would have never thought that I would celebrate this occasion in my first company.
But in the last few months I was desperately hoping I can cross this landmark. The reason for both being extreme opposites. I joined this place along with a group of 60 or so "Mermaidians" but hardly few are left now. When I look back I see many familiar faces coming back to my memory. The thing I cherish most is the 2-day Personality Development session with Mr.Kim. A lot of introduction and interactional games. That was real fun !! I came out winner in one of the games, and Mr. Kim gifted me a small blue keychain in the shape of a fish as prize. I was really thrilled and looking forward to a wonderful future ahead. Also,met some nice people on this journey. Although we were split into various projects after the training period, we still kept contact and once in a while sent mails to the entire group. On completion of 1 year we (all those who could and wanted to) met in amphi and exchanged old memories. We also planned a trip to Palace grounds where we played some indoor games coz of the rain and this was followed by go-karting. Nice time indeed ! Now all that is gone. We have settled into various new roles over the years. On Sunday a flower bouquet arrived for me.. a thankful gesture from my company. I was pleasantly surprised. Somehow in these times of recession and layoffs, I didn't expect such things. And I felt very thankful to God. Thankful that I have been given the opportunity to work all these years. I realize that this certainly has helped me in living the life I have tried to live and improving the life of dear ones, even though I may not have felt so.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The One Minute Workflow Manager
This is from the book "Ready for Anything - 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life" by David Allen.
David's answer to the question "What is the one thing we do that gets in the way of being productive ?" is as follows:
It's not one thing but five things all wrapped together:
1. People keep stuff in their head.
2. They don't decide what they need to do about stuff they know they need to do something about.
3. They don't organize action reminders and support materials in functional categories.
4. They don't maintain and review a complete and objective inventory of their commitments.
5. Then they waste energy and burn out, allowing their busyness to be driven by what's latest and loudest,hoping it's the right thing to do but never feeling the relief that it is.
And the solution:
1.Get everything out of your head.
2.Make decisions about actions required on stuff when it shows - not when it blows up.
3.Organize reminders of your projects and the next actions on them in appropriate categories.
4.Keep your system current,complete and reviewed sufficiently to trust your intuitive choices about what you are doing.
Makes sense ... just like the quote below:
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. - Father Alfred D'Souza
David's answer to the question "What is the one thing we do that gets in the way of being productive ?" is as follows:
It's not one thing but five things all wrapped together:
1. People keep stuff in their head.
2. They don't decide what they need to do about stuff they know they need to do something about.
3. They don't organize action reminders and support materials in functional categories.
4. They don't maintain and review a complete and objective inventory of their commitments.
5. Then they waste energy and burn out, allowing their busyness to be driven by what's latest and loudest,hoping it's the right thing to do but never feeling the relief that it is.
And the solution:
1.Get everything out of your head.
2.Make decisions about actions required on stuff when it shows - not when it blows up.
3.Organize reminders of your projects and the next actions on them in appropriate categories.
4.Keep your system current,complete and reviewed sufficiently to trust your intuitive choices about what you are doing.
Makes sense ... just like the quote below:
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. - Father Alfred D'Souza
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
EQ ~ eMotional iNtelligence
The other day, I was going through some material on "Emotional Intelligence" and I came across some pretty interesting stuff.
It talks about a scientific experiment called "The Marshmellow test" that was done on 4-year old kids.
A marshmellow was placed in front of them and they were told that if they can wait for 15 minutes and not take this marshmellow, they will get two instead of one. So what did the kids do ? Well, some simply couldn't resist the temptation and took the marshmellow. Some kids, however managed to wait the full 15 minutes. These kids would close their eyes, sing a song or do something or the other to keep their mind of that marshmellow in front of them. And at the end of 15 minutes they were awarded with the promised two marshmellows. And the story does not end here. One would assume "So what? They are little kids and when they become bigger they will do better..." To really find out, these kids were observed for say, the next twenty years and their progress in life tracked.And to everyone's surprise it was noticed that the adults who resisted the marshmellow when they were small kids fared much better in their lives than those that couldn't resist the temptation.
And for the very same reason. The former were able to resist temptation and handle certain situations better in their adult life.This really surprised me. I never thought that such traits should be learned from such a young age and that if you don't change your kid's attitude or behaviour towards certain situations, it will never change... something to keep in mind.
It talks about a scientific experiment called "The Marshmellow test" that was done on 4-year old kids.
A marshmellow was placed in front of them and they were told that if they can wait for 15 minutes and not take this marshmellow, they will get two instead of one. So what did the kids do ? Well, some simply couldn't resist the temptation and took the marshmellow. Some kids, however managed to wait the full 15 minutes. These kids would close their eyes, sing a song or do something or the other to keep their mind of that marshmellow in front of them. And at the end of 15 minutes they were awarded with the promised two marshmellows. And the story does not end here. One would assume "So what? They are little kids and when they become bigger they will do better..." To really find out, these kids were observed for say, the next twenty years and their progress in life tracked.And to everyone's surprise it was noticed that the adults who resisted the marshmellow when they were small kids fared much better in their lives than those that couldn't resist the temptation.
And for the very same reason. The former were able to resist temptation and handle certain situations better in their adult life.This really surprised me. I never thought that such traits should be learned from such a young age and that if you don't change your kid's attitude or behaviour towards certain situations, it will never change... something to keep in mind.
Friday, July 24, 2009
26 Weeks and Going Strong !!!
One month has passed. "Little one" is doing good inside my tummy.
Most of the time, it will be quiet and still. Then at other times, it keeps
keeps moving around or "swimming"[ ;) ]. I am in the 26th week, and I have read
that now with the help of scientific advances, it is possible for a premature baby to survive at week 26.
I am happy I have reached this far and I hope and pray to complete the full cycle. The past 6 months have been turbulent, even if there was no work pressure. I have felt down and upset for most of the time, and Roy could not help me either.
I've been feeling very alone and isolated.I feel so much dependent on everyone and it is not nice. I cannot visit my friends on weekends or just go shopping whenever and whereever I like. Earlier I could take an auto or a bus, but nowadays I avoid this means of transport. The only solace I had were my parents who have come down to Bangalore, and Shobs.
Mama and Papa are very thrilled now. It must be a great feeling to become grand parents !!! They are back in Kerala but will be back next week. So whenever we talk, they enquire about "Little one". Hey,"Little One" has woken up as I'm writing this. It's moving around. Sometimes I tap on my tummy to communicate with "Little One" and "Little One" sometimes responds. But now it doesn't.
It's been a bit awkward to move with this ever-growing tummy, coz wherever I go, people always stare at my tummy first. Some, as if they are trying to see through my body and catch the first glance of "Little One" ,and others, just to see how big my tummy has become. Now it's ok though, as I got used to it. I've also got positive responses from people or rather strangers I should say.
Some will smile at me, others will help in some way or the other. On one of the few occasions I took a bus, a girl offered me her seat.I've been showered with a lot of goodwill by some people - some total strangers, and then too some people didn't bother to observe the fact that I am carrying a baby ...
Husbands too, will react differently. Some will be doting and extremely caring and anxious about each and everything that happens to their wifey. Like this one guy who accompanied his wife for the Lamaze class (exercise class for pregnant ladies) in Hospital. He would ask many questions and another guy would take snaps of his wife exhausting herself, maybe to keep those snaps as sweet memoirs to show their kids in future :).
Then, some other husbands will be lukewarm ... happy to be a "going-to-be" dad but that's it more or less. Roy belongs to this group. Can't blame him, coz men are usually not very sentimental. And how could they be possibly? The only thing they can see during our pregnancy is a growing tummy. Anyways I can consider myself lucky,as Roy has been able to come with me for all consultations and scans so far. He used to be very thrilled to see "Little one" growing bigger and bigger during each scan - from the size of a blob to someting more look-alike to a baby. And I have seen Roy being very affectionate with small kids and babies. In fact,I have seen many fathers proudly carrying their babies ... and mothers can carry the diper and bottle bag. I remember one "new" father carrying his baby out of the maternity ward, and not even letting his wife take the baby. ... I still wonder why that guy couldn't carry the baby for 9 months then too ... I know I know , this is still only possible in Arnold Schwarzenegger movies :(
Another weekend is coming ... And I have many plans as usual. Let's see how it goes this time. Bye from "Little One" as well. ;)
Most of the time, it will be quiet and still. Then at other times, it keeps
keeps moving around or "swimming"[ ;) ]. I am in the 26th week, and I have read
that now with the help of scientific advances, it is possible for a premature baby to survive at week 26.
I am happy I have reached this far and I hope and pray to complete the full cycle. The past 6 months have been turbulent, even if there was no work pressure. I have felt down and upset for most of the time, and Roy could not help me either.
I've been feeling very alone and isolated.I feel so much dependent on everyone and it is not nice. I cannot visit my friends on weekends or just go shopping whenever and whereever I like. Earlier I could take an auto or a bus, but nowadays I avoid this means of transport. The only solace I had were my parents who have come down to Bangalore, and Shobs.
Mama and Papa are very thrilled now. It must be a great feeling to become grand parents !!! They are back in Kerala but will be back next week. So whenever we talk, they enquire about "Little one". Hey,"Little One" has woken up as I'm writing this. It's moving around. Sometimes I tap on my tummy to communicate with "Little One" and "Little One" sometimes responds. But now it doesn't.
It's been a bit awkward to move with this ever-growing tummy, coz wherever I go, people always stare at my tummy first. Some, as if they are trying to see through my body and catch the first glance of "Little One" ,and others, just to see how big my tummy has become. Now it's ok though, as I got used to it. I've also got positive responses from people or rather strangers I should say.
Some will smile at me, others will help in some way or the other. On one of the few occasions I took a bus, a girl offered me her seat.I've been showered with a lot of goodwill by some people - some total strangers, and then too some people didn't bother to observe the fact that I am carrying a baby ...
Husbands too, will react differently. Some will be doting and extremely caring and anxious about each and everything that happens to their wifey. Like this one guy who accompanied his wife for the Lamaze class (exercise class for pregnant ladies) in Hospital. He would ask many questions and another guy would take snaps of his wife exhausting herself, maybe to keep those snaps as sweet memoirs to show their kids in future :).
Then, some other husbands will be lukewarm ... happy to be a "going-to-be" dad but that's it more or less. Roy belongs to this group. Can't blame him, coz men are usually not very sentimental. And how could they be possibly? The only thing they can see during our pregnancy is a growing tummy. Anyways I can consider myself lucky,as Roy has been able to come with me for all consultations and scans so far. He used to be very thrilled to see "Little one" growing bigger and bigger during each scan - from the size of a blob to someting more look-alike to a baby. And I have seen Roy being very affectionate with small kids and babies. In fact,I have seen many fathers proudly carrying their babies ... and mothers can carry the diper and bottle bag. I remember one "new" father carrying his baby out of the maternity ward, and not even letting his wife take the baby. ... I still wonder why that guy couldn't carry the baby for 9 months then too ... I know I know , this is still only possible in Arnold Schwarzenegger movies :(
Another weekend is coming ... And I have many plans as usual. Let's see how it goes this time. Bye from "Little One" as well. ;)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our Bundle of Joy

I am back after a looong hibernating period .... But I'm not alone this time. To be more precise, we are awaiting a "bundle of joy" to join our family :) Yes, I am expecting and I must say it feels really great !!!
I am in my 22nd week now and I and my body have gone through a lot of changes already. It is fascinating to see the various stages of a baby's growth. God is really an awesome creator !! He's taken care of everything. Right from the beginning there is life ... even though it might be very minute to the eye. But it is there, a small heart beating along with yours in your body... wow. Initially, I couldn't really make out the developments. But slowly slowly changes are happening. My appetite started increasing, as did the circumference of my tummy. And then a month or so ago, I noticed an increased action inside my stomach which I initially mistook for the sounds of digestion. I have realized now, that it's my little one,moving its arms and legs instead. This noticeably happened on a Sunday evening while we were attending church service. The priest that day was very loudly exclaiming something, and I got some nice kicks inside. So far we have gone for 3 scans, and each time it was a wonderful moment to see that little one is doing greater and greater everyday.
And the nice thing is that I'm not the only one on the way to motherhood - some of our friends have joined the club too.
So here we are, almost half-way through ... Will keep you updated on this journey !
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Winds of Change
Was a tiring day. Went to office in the morning, while Roy went for a medical check-up.
No, nothing serious. The company offered a free medical check-up, and the results were satisfying. I tried some Quartz 2D programming on the iPhone simulator to get the look of a bar chart, but it's not so easy. I left at 3.30. Couldn't get a bus. Usually there are so many 356C and "Big10" (yea they are really named so !!) buses plying to and from office, but today I got one after a long wait and a quick lunch in between at 4.30. Felt drained out and tired. Many a times I have felt that my efforts (in which ever area they may be) have gone wasted ... I have been trying and trying, but to no vain. I have started reading the book "The Answer", but will I ever be able to touch the real potential of my subconscious mind ? I wonder and I am scared.
Watched the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" on the PC. Nice movie, I must say. The way the story is interwoven, interesting .... And more so as Jamal the character was able to win the Jackpot and answer all the questions, because life had thrown him the answers in various stages of his life.
I have been thinking more and more about my life... the routine that I've been following. What if .... what if I take a plunge into the unknown ? Like in "The Answer", I am visualizing myself as a happy and tension free person. My life is abounding in happiness, a loving family, gud health and lots of money too ;)
My dear nonconscious mind, are you listening ?? I hope so !!!
No, nothing serious. The company offered a free medical check-up, and the results were satisfying. I tried some Quartz 2D programming on the iPhone simulator to get the look of a bar chart, but it's not so easy. I left at 3.30. Couldn't get a bus. Usually there are so many 356C and "Big10" (yea they are really named so !!) buses plying to and from office, but today I got one after a long wait and a quick lunch in between at 4.30. Felt drained out and tired. Many a times I have felt that my efforts (in which ever area they may be) have gone wasted ... I have been trying and trying, but to no vain. I have started reading the book "The Answer", but will I ever be able to touch the real potential of my subconscious mind ? I wonder and I am scared.
Watched the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" on the PC. Nice movie, I must say. The way the story is interwoven, interesting .... And more so as Jamal the character was able to win the Jackpot and answer all the questions, because life had thrown him the answers in various stages of his life.
I have been thinking more and more about my life... the routine that I've been following. What if .... what if I take a plunge into the unknown ? Like in "The Answer", I am visualizing myself as a happy and tension free person. My life is abounding in happiness, a loving family, gud health and lots of money too ;)
My dear nonconscious mind, are you listening ?? I hope so !!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Like a Phoenix ...
Today is "Ash Wednesday", so was thinking for a suitable title. And somehow I had to think of the Phoenix... I remember as a kid I drew a phoenix, a very colorful one.. and I earned quite some praise for it. Since then I have been fascinated by the Phoenix - the bird that dies and rises from the ashes, just to become another glorious bird. This much for the title.
To tell about "Ash Wednesday", it is the first day of Lent(fasting season before Easter) and occurs forty-six days before Easter.Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance.
I wanted to go to attend church service today, and so left office early (i mean 5.30 is early according my standards ;)). I thought I would miss the beginning of the service, but God must have heard this, coz the service started only after I reached the church at 6.30pm. Shobhs also came. The church was really full. To the right of us, there was a young man holding his baby girl. The baby was sleeping initially, but woke up after some time. She started to look around and give a hearty giggly baby laugh towards the kid playing with her. That laughter was so pure, me and Shobs felt so happy on seeing her smile like that. And she'd smile at us too :) Such an innocense and such a love... even to a stranger. I usually don't fall for babies, but this one certainly did it. The father came alone with his baby and held her so caringly like we wished God would hold us like that .... That would be really nice .. to be this small again and not to think or worry....
To tell about "Ash Wednesday", it is the first day of Lent(fasting season before Easter) and occurs forty-six days before Easter.Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance.
I wanted to go to attend church service today, and so left office early (i mean 5.30 is early according my standards ;)). I thought I would miss the beginning of the service, but God must have heard this, coz the service started only after I reached the church at 6.30pm. Shobhs also came. The church was really full. To the right of us, there was a young man holding his baby girl. The baby was sleeping initially, but woke up after some time. She started to look around and give a hearty giggly baby laugh towards the kid playing with her. That laughter was so pure, me and Shobs felt so happy on seeing her smile like that. And she'd smile at us too :) Such an innocense and such a love... even to a stranger. I usually don't fall for babies, but this one certainly did it. The father came alone with his baby and held her so caringly like we wished God would hold us like that .... That would be really nice .. to be this small again and not to think or worry....
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Magical lullaby
Couldn't sleep ...I have caught a strong-willed viral fever ... last friday, it came into my life and during our Hampi trip it became only stronger, and here it is , still having a strong grip over my life ... oops body. Left office early with an intention of crawling early into my cozy bed and having a gud nite sleep...
But somehow couldn't ... Let's say external factors were not allowing me to do so ... I keep on thinking how married life has changed me, or rather what kind of chains it has pulled around me. Some nice and some not so nice ...
Sometimes I also wonder if I was meant at all to marry ...
I'm listening to the song "Tu Muskura" from Yuvraaj ... Wished I had an iPod so that I could listen to it wherever I go .. But then you don't need an Ipod for that.
"Tu muskura jahan bhi hai tu muskura
Tu dhoop ki tarah badan ko chhoo zara
Shareer se ye muskuraahtein teri
Badan mein sunti hoon main aahatein teri
Labon se aa ke chhoo de apne lab zara "
AR Rahman, dear friend, you are a wonder kid ... Hope you'll compose more such lullabys for me .... Gnite n Sweet Dreamz :)
But somehow couldn't ... Let's say external factors were not allowing me to do so ... I keep on thinking how married life has changed me, or rather what kind of chains it has pulled around me. Some nice and some not so nice ...
Sometimes I also wonder if I was meant at all to marry ...
I'm listening to the song "Tu Muskura" from Yuvraaj ... Wished I had an iPod so that I could listen to it wherever I go .. But then you don't need an Ipod for that.
"Tu muskura jahan bhi hai tu muskura
Tu dhoop ki tarah badan ko chhoo zara
Shareer se ye muskuraahtein teri
Badan mein sunti hoon main aahatein teri
Labon se aa ke chhoo de apne lab zara "
AR Rahman, dear friend, you are a wonder kid ... Hope you'll compose more such lullabys for me .... Gnite n Sweet Dreamz :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Wish you the 3 Somethings in 2009 !!!
Saw this quote today :
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
-Jose Addison
Very true ... if I look back at the year 2008 that was.
This time I did not take time to really think about any new or old failed resolutions.
But I felt I should do or rather not do one thing this year.
This year I should not give my love, affection, care, laughter & joy to everyone I care for, but only to those who need it and have time to appreciate these.
I feel it was a waste ... of my time, my positive energy.
Everyone around me seems so involved with their job, wantingly or not they cannot enjoy the simple things in life... They do not have time for me.... Not that I complain, but I must say that I used to enjoy the fun moments I had with them.
How come I still have time to laugh and dance ???
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
-Jose Addison
Very true ... if I look back at the year 2008 that was.
This time I did not take time to really think about any new or old failed resolutions.
But I felt I should do or rather not do one thing this year.
This year I should not give my love, affection, care, laughter & joy to everyone I care for, but only to those who need it and have time to appreciate these.
I feel it was a waste ... of my time, my positive energy.
Everyone around me seems so involved with their job, wantingly or not they cannot enjoy the simple things in life... They do not have time for me.... Not that I complain, but I must say that I used to enjoy the fun moments I had with them.
How come I still have time to laugh and dance ???
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