Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Please listen ...

In so many instances in our life we come across people who desperately want to tell us something ... but either are we too busy or not at all interested ...

Mom, I want to tell you something .... Later, honey, I'm doing something very important.

Honey, there's this beautiful movie which I watched today. It has such wonderful meaning .... Oh honey, I had a tiring day at office.

Honey, we shouldn't have had this fight. But your action hurt me ... I felt ----- and ----- .... Oh don't talk to me. You are so wrong.

Hello. There is a mistake with this bill. .... Sorry Sir, but there is nothing we can do.

Every situation requires us to listen, every person requires us to listen , ... be it your child, your spouse, your parent, your friend, or even the stranger you meet at the help desk or the customer you are helping. If you can listen, the rewards will be huge. You are not only giving a bit of your time , but a bit of your love and care as well. In today's world , is there anyone who doesn't need that? It would improve our relationships and our lives ! In the end, what's the purpose of having lived a busy life and not having had the time to listen to your loved ones ??

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